Friday, July 18, 2014

In The Beginning!!!

Hello Everyone,
I thought that I would share with you the first few cakes that I made.  I would appreciate it if you would refrain from laughing. (You totally can laugh, cause I have no way to see if you are!! LOL  The first cake that I made was a cake for my Brother-In-Law, he had just graduated from College.  Keep in mind, that I never took a class, and this was in the 80's!!                        

These first cakes that I would love to share with you, all have one thing in common, they all have people, or characters made from gum paste on them!  Gum Paste is basically a sugar dough that you can roll, squish, flatten make things to go on your cake with  Gum Paste is very similar to clay.  They are great to have on your cake, because they take a cake, that already has personality and it just adds that little bit of extra of the 3D factor that the cake already has, and bumps it up a notch!!  This first cake I made for my niece, it was of these guys who are from the T.V. show called, The Backyardigans! I had never heard of these guys, because when my beautiful children were little, we were all about Barney!  Am I showing my age?  I think that the fact that I asked if I were showing my age, is a clear sign that I am showing my age!!                                                                

 These cute adorable guys are made out of gum paste so they are completely edible!!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This is the finished cake, and I must have done a good job, cause I got a big hug and kiss from her!! Which is the best form of payment that I have ever received!!!!She completely LOVED it!! Just don't ask me what their names are!

This second cake is a cake that I made for a little boy named Alex, it was his first Birthday, and his mom told me that he loved the Circus!!!   I made all these animals and the Ringmaster also out of Gum Paste I was told by his mom that he liked the lion the most, and did not want to put it down, but they were able to get it away from him when he fell asleep later that night!! Those stories just bring a smile to my face!!!  Again, all of my characters and my cake decorations are all made of completely edible ingredients,and materials, unless I indicate on your receipt,  verbally, and on a sticker on the box.  The last thing that anyone wants is a trip to the doctors on their birthday!!                                                                                                                

 This was just a fun cake to make!!  The characters were fun, and the balloons were great, although next time I will have to hollow them out to make them, because they were very heavy, and I was afraid that they might just fall right through the middle of the cake!!

This next cake I made for a 50th Birthday.  When the R.I.P on it or the over the hill theme, so I found out that they had a couple of dogs, and I asked for pictures of the dogs, and went for a humorous theme.  Again I made the dogs with the Gum Paste and tried to catch the personality of each dog, and I was told that I did!

 The cake, I gave a lot of thought.  I decided to go with the rocking chair, with his trusted dogs at his feet, and him sitting in his rocking chair with a lamp, and some AARP magazines ready and waiting to be read on the table next to him!  I took this picture before I actually finished, and there was some fringe on both ends of the rug, and the writing on the cake was "Hope your fifties are Rocking"  He apparently Thought it was amazing!!
So these are a few of of the cakes that I have made with Gum Paste figurines, and I hope that you liked them!  I hope that if you like what you see, you will give me on order, and let me give you some ideas that will work for you and your next Occasion to Celebrate!!!

Friday, July 11, 2014


My name is Karen Driscoll,  I have been baking I think since I was in Girl Scouts, and I have been decorating cakes since I was in High School, well I haven't been doing it straight through, but I would do it in spurts, a year here, a year there. In between I have been doing all kinds of crafts/art projects.  I never took a decorating class, but I bought books, tons and tons, of books on cake decorating, cake baking, ect.  Although now they have everything that you would, or could ever need to know on the internet. I however still love the books, it is something to do with holding the book, flipping through the pages, going back and forth looking at the pictures, seeing where the supplies were purchased, how can I justify buying this, or that, because you never know when you are going to get an order for tooth shaped cake for a little boy or girl.!! I am still in the starting stages of getting this site up, but you can check out my cakes on Facebook type in the search bar Karen's Kake Kreations  there are a few people that have similar names, so double check what you enter! I recently got a cake order and as I read the order, I knew that the person was looking for another cake decorator!!! She loved all my cakes, she was referred to me from someone else, and was in love with my cakes, and went on and on about how they were much better than her friend had described, so I was excited, until she gave me her address, and it was a small town in ENGLAND!! Well she was bummed out she used another word, but I forget what it was, but it was one of those funny English words. So welcome, and I hope to get this site up with more info and pictures soon.  If you do not belong to Facebook, you can check out my other blog that I shared my cake pictures on, it is my craft blog and the name of it is very similar but it is I know it is confusing!! Karen♥